The Spiral Of Healing

We live in a cyclical world where healing takes place in a spiral of remembering who we are in this vast, multidimensional field of relating.

Often, when we’ve had a healing experience and made a repair in our nervous system, we can reach a new level of capacity, and a natural expansion occurs. We may have healed a wound or imprint that was keeping us stuck, bringing us to a place of wholeness. And then along comes a trigger from the environment or memory that causes us to contract once more, keeping us looping in a pattern. At this point, we may wonder if the healing process is working. It might feel like taking one step forward and two steps back. We might start wishing for a shortcut. But there is no shortcut to healing. Healing has its own natural cycle that nothing or nobody can rush for us. Our body is made of the same composition as the earth and just as we can’t make the natural world run on our time, we can’t push or rush our body through its natural rhythm either. As we heal in small do-able pieces, the multidimensionality of existence begins to slowly reveal itself again. We come back into flow with the spiral of life itself, which breathes us out and breathes us in. We learn to flow with the yin and the yang. And gradually, within the contractions become smaller expansions. Maybe the contraction of grief opens up a liminal space where, through the slightest expansion, we catch a glimpse of something greater. Perhaps the voice of an ancestor slips in through the gap that’s been created, perhaps the branch of a tree reaches down to touch us, beckoning us to listen deeper. Our capacity for listening opens and expands us into a more spacious conscious awareness where we can breathe deeper, feeling more attuned and assured. Over time the triggers have less impact. We may even start to welcome them as the portals to wisdom they truly are. Our intuition returns and we find ourselves making wiser choices.

We become more intimate with ourselves, learning to have radical acceptance with those parts we’d rather push away.

We learn to listen and be with the body’s communications without trying to fix and heal it.

We meet with our edges and transform resistance into resilience.

We learn to self and co-regulate and come back into our range of regulation.

We learn we have a natural blueprint, an inner compass we can trust to guide us.

We de-condition.

We let go of the need for control and flow with the rivers of life herself.

We return to love.

Our healing can’t happen in isolation as we are not individuals, we are part of an intelligent network. Every time we heal our own body, the healing extends into the collective conscious, feeding the thought-forms of the wider field.

We begin to realise that our inner landscape is inseparable from our outer one and as we heal ourselves, our outer world thrives.

We discover we can shift ancestral timelines both past and future.

We discover the blood running through our veins is the same as the water that flows through the earth.

We adapt to the nervous system of our environment, the structures, the waters, plants, and animals.

We begin to pay deeper respect to ourselves and the earth that formed us.

We notice the synchronicities weaving our lives back into being and hear the whispers of the land as she mirrors life back to us, encouraging us back into deeper connection and belonging.

The more we heal ourselves the more we reshape our environments into telling a different story, like lava that flows from a volcano. Our agenda becomes about the wider living field that we are a part of rather than living life through the narrow lens of an individual being. We become like the bees, so devoted and working to align our individual consciousness with our queen, Mother Earth. Eventually, a practice is formed and our hive seemingly takes care of itself. 

The mundane responsibility of life becomes holy.

We become more grounded on earth.

We begin to honour the cycles in the same way that was so natural to our ancestors.

We begin to embody our true selves, in a spiral of deep remembrance of who we were born to be.

If you like my words, please tell me. If you feel inspired to share them, please ask me first.


I Used To Be That Girl