I Used To Be That Girl

I used to be that girl
The one who went along with what everyone said,
believing them when they said they knew what was best.
Ignoring my intuition, I took them as my guides
I overrode my felt sense so that I could belong.
Always going along with needs that weren't mine
I attended to their needs and their projections.
I allowed something outside of me to take the lead.
I was afraid to be seen for fear it would make someone else invisible.
Until the day when my wound opened so wide, I was swallowed.
Dragged into my cave, I began to dig.
I dug through many tunnels until I arrived at the darkest night.
The dark night of my soul.
I sat as the moonlight illuminated my shadows
I shook as the wind rattled my bones.
I sunk to the depths of the ocean of tears
and was enchanted by the mystery of the stars.
I became intimate with my core, slowly allowing the Earth Mother and all of her beings to unthread the distortions from my soul
So that I could be rewoven with better boundaries.
And then early one morning, came a slither of light,
which began to rise in me
After all this digging, I had struck gold.
The golden spark that I'd hidden away began to rise like the sun, rising in resilience.
It filled all the tunnels that had brought me here, leading me back to the outside world
Where it sparkled
Where it shone
Where it belonged.


Sacred Hoop


The Spiral Of Healing