Remote Healing
All of the healing modalities I offer can be practiced remotely.
Remote healing is the practice of healing without the practitioner and client being in physical proximity and is an effective way for the body to find equilibrium and metabolise old imprints in the system.
The Quantum theory of entanglement suggests that every particle is connected, and we are all connected by a unified field of consciousness. This field is always in resonance, ranging from the star clusters to the tiniest atoms. Resonance, vibration, and frequency are the connecting forces and the human body is viewed as part of and affected by these forces. Everything is connected and nothing can or should be considered in isolation.
Many cultures around the world have had this as the basis of their healing methods for millennia.
Our human bodies are permeated by an energy field that can influence our health and well-being. Therefore, practitioner and client can meet in a healing field where we come into attunement so that the body can return itself to harmony and balance, healing any disruption in the field.
In a remote session, we (client and practitioner) connect in the universal field, and the body is given the space it needs to adjust to its natural state of health. By resonating with the forces of healing that are available we can work with intention or follow what wants to arise naturally in the body. The body is always working to stay in equilibrium and as we come into skilled attunement, a natural harmony and metabolisation can begin to take place.
Healing is not sent or ‘downloaded’ to the client, it occurs naturally through adept engagement and attunement. I often invite in or notice that certain other non-human healing beings have arrived in the field, and we all work together to create harmony. These could take the form of our ancestors, spirit or animal guides, the fay, and many other healing forces of nature with various healing gifts they bring to the field to be integrated through your body.