Cat helps you bring harmony to your inner landscape and come back into greater connection with the natural world in which you are interwoven.
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Our bodies are vast everchanging landscapes and I'm here to provide a space for your body to be met in all its multidimensionality. The human body and nature are not separate and I hold the notion that we can live as full expressions of the interdependence we have with the natural world. Our continual unfolding is infinite, a spiraling relationship of reciprocity and vastness within ourselves and the larger supporting fields that surround us.
We are also raised in cultures of trauma, which cause us to contract and lose our natural fluidity on the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, energetic, and relational levels. Living in post-traumatic physiology disrupts our sense of well-being, wholeness, and health and separates us from our connection with the wider supporting fields.
I offer 1-1 sessions in Craniosacral Therapy, Somatic & Energetic Trauma Integration as well as Somatic Energy Healing classes online and in-person. Although listed here as separate modalities, they overlap and complement one another as I weave in extensive training in Andean Spirituality, Embodied Sexuality, Trauma Resolution, Shamanism, my ancestral lineage, and life experience and innate gifts.
I hold a gentle and non-judgemental space where the natural blueprint of your health and vitality can be more easily accessed and begin to flow. Expanded awareness and capacity create the conditions for a deeper embodiment of self and spirit to emerge.
My offerings support a return to the undercurrent of health and well-being that is always available for you to widen into. Together we explore how we can stay in harmony within our somatic landscapes and in reciprocity with the wider living field of nature that runs through us and sustains us.
I am here to help you take the next doable piece to bring your nervous system back into regulation and align with your blueprint.
I am here to support you with navigating transitions, to guide you through a radical and transformative journey that will help you find and integrate the beauty and medicine hiding within you.
I am here to help you to remember yourself home, to come back into communication and acceptance with the exiled parts of you that you've pushed away for your survival.
I am here to guide you back to the gift of being you with unapologetically deep radical acceptance, to rediscover your body's poetry, and to re-wild yourself to the world in which you belong.
I am here to encourage you to remember the part you play in nature and to help you tend to your relationship between your inner and outer landscapes so you can align with the larger living support system we call nature.
I am here to guide you back to a life of pleasure, which is your birthright, and to help you get clear on your boundaries so you can notice, trust, value, and communicate your needs and desires.
I am here to guide you out of a life of enduring and tolerating what is not in alignment with you.
I am here to remind you of your greatness and the vast, intelligent system that is you and how to work with your body's intelligence instead of against it.
I am here to guide you to meet your edges and in the process transform resistance into resilience.
I am here to assist you in reawakening your creative gifts and reimagining your environment so that you are no longer triggered by it.
I am here to help you to bring all of the living communities alive within you back into remembrance and connection, to reawaken the deep wisdom that is held in your fabric, and to remember and honour the ancestors who wove you.
I invite you into a space where all of you is welcome.